Saturday, September 14, 2013

Day #14

I almost forgot about you.

I started my day pretty early and headed out to pick up a load of hay.

super fun

Then I met with a customer on my way back through town.  That took all of ten minutes, and I made a stop at the hospital to visit a friend.  By the time I made it home, I was already tired.  Tired or depressed, I am not sure.

really sad

Instead of unloading my hay, I came inside and sat down at my computer.  I goofed around for quite a bit and then ate a bowl of yogurt with grapes and pecans   *yum* 

So, finding myself thoroughly pooped after that morning, I took a nap.

I awoke to the end of a horrible movie, but decided to watch it anyway. 

Why do I do this? 

My Full-timer came home from work and we decided to bail on the chores and head to town.  A stop off at Barnes and Noble for a book and coffee, and I started feeling human again.  We then made our way to Home Depot to pick up a few supplies for a new project I am kicking around.  One final stop at the grocery store, and now I am back home. 

I know this is crazy exciting for you. 

Basically what I am saying ~ I blew off my whole day

Now, remembering to write a post for the day, I am rambling.  Rambling because I have a truck loaded down with 25 bales of hay to unload and it is after 10:00 pm.  As if that weren't bad enough, I believe I need to move things around in the hay barn to make room for this hay.  I don't know about you, but moving things around in the hay barn at night is not my idea of an exciting Saturday night.  Although, it could prove to be very exciting if something else is out there moving things around.  We have been known to have our fair share of wild life out here.  Check out the posts labeled Wild Life if you don't believe me.

Long ago are the days of a Hot Saturday Night.

Here I go.

Wish me luck.

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