Friday, November 11, 2011


There are days when my vocabulary becomes very limited.  I am proud to say that it doesn't usually revolve around a curse word.  Although, I would be telling a story if I told you that never happened. 

Lately the word of the day has been...


I went to the hen house to do a few chores and collect some eggs, and I was shocked to find an egg the size of a marble. 


I have seen eggs this small before, but usually when the temperature drops below freezing.  In my mind, one of the girls just says, "I don't think so.", and I can understand that.  On this particular day, we were not having adverse weather, and I saw no reason for it.  The funnier thing was that I collected eggs and headed inside to find my Full-Timer in the kitchen.  I asked her if she wanted to see something funny, and of course she did.  I then proceeded to dig through the egg basket and try to find the little thing.  Once I had it, or at least I thought I did, I pulled it out to show her.  At this moment I bobbled it, proceeded to juggle it around about six or seven times, and then it fell on the bar and cracked.  She looked at me, and said,  "Well, that was funny!"


I also headed out to do some manual labor the other day.  I have beds to clear, compost to turn, and various other chores.  Due to the nature of the work, I felt I should grab some gloves.  I head to my mudroom, where I keep a basket on the dryer just for such things.  I dig through this basket, and find various different items, pulling out gloves as I find them.  There was one problem though.

All I could find were left hand gloves.


You should also know that when this originally happened, I found three left hand gloves.  No Right gloves.  By the time I took this picture, I only had two.


Between the time I took this picture, and the time I am writing this, I have found the missing glove, plus an additional one.  Yes, that is correct, four left hand gloves.


I am right handed, and it is frustrating to try to do some things with gloves on.  Apparently, I remove my right glove to accomplish these tasks, and I don't know what happens after that.  I have always been convinced that a sock monster lives in the washing machine and eats random socks at will.  Thus explaining the number of single socks lingering around in my sock drawer.  Possibly, he has a distant relative that prefers a diet of gloves?  I am currently looking for a left handed pal with the same problem.  I figure between the two of us, we could make some sense of this strange phenomenon.  Please send emails if you are interested.

The other afternoon, I headed out to the throw the horses some hay for lunch, and noticed something odd.  All of my chickens were laying just outside their barn.


It was a gorgeous day, and they should have been out foraging and enjoying themselves.  I went inside the chicken barn, and checked on the babies, made sure they had water, and topped off their grain.  I happened to notice that one hen was missing, and this was fairly easy to notice because she is the only Silver Laced Wyandotte that I have.


I decided to go look for her, and when I walked around the corner, I saw a hawk.  He saw me at the same time, and he flew off.  Once I saw the blood on his chest feathers, I knew what I was going to find.  We have had hens for three years now, and we have always had hawks in the area.  We have never had a problem until now.


After burying my bird, I now knew why the others were hanging out around the barn.  I put them inside and shut the door and took a head count.  I was missing another bird.  I walked the entire creek line three times, and couldn't find her, nor did I see any evidence of her being eaten by the hawk.  I finally just decided that maybe he had carried her off to dine on her.


To my surprise, the next morning, my missing chicken was waiting very impatiently at the door.  I couldn't believe she was there.  My guess is that whatever she saw her friend go through was pretty bad.  Bad enough that she hid, and hid well.  Once I opened the door, she ran in and immediately hopped on a nest and laid an egg.

Poor thing.

I am in the process of hunting a hawk.  I hate to do it, but once they start feasting on chicken dinners, they won't stop.  My guess is that the drought has made his usual prey of field mice and rabbits scarce.  The bad news is that the girls have been staying inside.  They are not happy about this arrangement, and they are eating me out of house and home.  Not to mention, we are getting fewer eggs.  I think this is their version of a strike.  Hopefully we will get this problem under control soon so everyone can go back to the usual.

Ever have days like these?

What is your word of the day?

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