Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Know Your Limits

You have to know your limits.

You can't cross the line when it comes to certain things.

All sound, solid advice that we have all heard at one time in our lives.

I am in no way, shape, or form an expert or able to advise you on such things.  I may be better suited as an example of what not to do!  Apparently, I can't help it.  I don't even try to correct myself any longer.  What is the point?  And, who has the time for that?  While I do frequently take on more than is humanly possible, and telling me not to cross a line is equal to daring me to cross said line...even I can learn a few things now and then.

The last few weeks have been filled with such experiences.  If you follow this crazy rant of mine, you know that I suffered a head injury while working on some fence repairs. It was a serious event, and it may have taught me a lesson.  You see, there have been several opportunities since then to work on fencing projects.  Under normal circumstances, I would have tackled the repairs, and not thought twice about it.

Not so much...

My fence post driving days may have come to an end.

Shocking - I know!

I was attacked by the vacuum cleaner and suffered another blow to the head.  Not as bad as the fencing incident, but I am trying desperately to convince all family members that vacuuming is bad for my health.

No takers as of yet, but I am not giving up.

I also recently crossed a line where my bees were concerned.  I am not eager to do that ever again!  You see, there are certain things you should, and should not wear when you work around bees.

1.  Don't wear pants with holes in them.

Tried that once, and a bee climbed right in and stung me.

2.  Always wear a collared shirt.

This is critical!

One of the last times I worked my bees, I had on a long sleeve t-shirt.  When we got out there, I started putting my hat and veil on, and realized my error.  My Full-timer was working with me, and I asked her opinion.

"You'll be fine," she says.

After getting all my gear on, again I asked her what she thought.  My neck felt exposed and I was a little concerned.

"It'll be fine," she says.


After getting one hive completely taken apart, a group of bees managed to get inside my veil.


I was repeatedly stung on the back of my head, in the exact same spot.  After running my fastest 100 yard dash - EVER! - ripping off my gear and killing bees in my hair, I finally got rid of all of them.  There were a lot of expletives, and it was not fun or fine.  The Man in Charge had to get a magnifying glass and get the stingers out of my head.

I normally don't have reactions to stings, but due to the excessive amount of bee venom shooting down my spine, I did have cold chills for about an hour.  My neck became very stiff.  Then, I had a knot on my head for over a week.  I guess the moral to this story is that if the consequences are severe enough, even I can learn my limits and start respecting boundaries.  Please learn from my mistakes.  It is a crazy, dangerous world out there.  For me, it is just right outside my door.

P. S.

My Full-timer actually had the nerve to say to me...

"Aren't you supposed to remain calm when a bee stings you?"

Could have put a dent in her forehead for that one.

Until next time, do you know where your safety gear is?

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